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The Tamar Valley Writers Festival is a standout event in Tasmania’s cultural calendar, combining a love affair with our valley landscape and an invigoration of words, storytelling and ideas.

Since the first festival in 2014, we have welcomed some of Australia’s most famed writers and thinkers to the valley, as well as emerging writers, podcasters, critics, journalists, playwrights and poets. Diversity is our jam, and we’ve embraced everything from romance, politics, crime and poetry to comedy, memoir, songwriting, film and television. There is always a special place for first nations writers, and also for the spectrum of minority voices that make Australia such a rich tapestry of stories. The festival unites us for the love of words.


There’s a special place in the Tamar Valley Writers Festival’s heart for Tasmania’s own writing talent, and we acknowledge a richly storied region and heritage. We are excited by the way Tasmania’s literature and topics are a melting pot of diversity, from our indigenous and convict history to the growing interest in genealogy; to education and its challenges; to the presence of fine Tasmanian writing on bookshelves across the world.


Our goal is to encourage a hunger and appreciation for writing and reading in Australia. The committee is open-minded and nimble, constantly looking at new ways to help people connect with the written and spoken word. We are particularly proud of our students program, which reaches more than 600 students each festival. 


Collaborations are one of our favourite things, and we have enjoyed working with accommodation providers and stunning venues to bring a festival that is as much an immersive experience of place as a hit of literary inspo. Between festivals, we also play host to a string of author events, hand selected to bring storytelling personalities to the valley community.

The 2024 festival will run October 11-14


Previous Festival Guests

Markus Zusak, Benjamin Stevenson, Joanna Nell, Melissa Lucashenko, Tim Winton, Katherine Johnson, Robbie Arnott, Lee Kofman, Pip Williams, Adam Thompson, Martin Flanagan, Kyle Perry, Robyn Mundy, Jonathon Butler, Michael Mohammed Ahmed, Winnie Dunn, Lucy Christopher, Poppy Gee, Meg Bignell, Vicki Madden, Jock Serong, Karen Brooks, Dylan Hesp, Michael Burge, Mallika Naguran, Katherine Scholes, Indira Naidoo.

The Committee

  • What are the dates of the 2024 Tamar Valley Writers Festival?
    The next festival will run from 11-14 October, 2024.
  • When will the program be announced?
    The 2024 festival will be announced in July 2024.
  • Do I need to buy tickets to attend events?
    Yes. Ticketing information will be released with the program.
  • Where do I find access information?
    Access information will be available once the festival has been launched. Please feel free to email us
  • How long do Tamar Valley Writers Festival events go for?
    Sessions are one hour in duration unless otherwise stated.
  • Can I get my book signed?
    Yes, you can get your book signed after each festival event.
  • Can I volunteer?
    Please register your interest in volunteering by filling out the form. Thank you for your interest. Without people like you, the festival wouldn’t exist.
  • I am a writer. Can I put myself forward as a guest?
    Invitations are issued at the discretion of the festival committee. Please feel free to send a submission for speaking. Note, however, due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to respond to all or return materials sent for consideration.
  • Can I recommend an author for the Festival?
    Certainly. Email your suggestions to
  • I’m attending from interstate, can you help with accommodation?
    While we can’t book you a hotel room, we’re happy to point you in the right direction. Take a look at our Travel Page for tips on accommodation and sightseeing in the Tamar Valley region.


The Tamar Valley Writers Festival acknowledges Palawa/Tasmanian Aborigines as the original owners of this island lutruwita (Tasmania). We meet on the country where the rivers laykila (North Esk), plipatumila (South Esk), and kanamaluka (River Tamar) join together in the heart of today’s Launceston; the country where two tribes converged, the Litarimirina and the Panina people. We honour those people and all the tribes of lutruwita who are no longer here as a result of the brutal invasion, and the Tasmanian Aboriginal community of today whose unique storytelling culture contributes richly to the realm of literacy.

*Names of tribes and places in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines, are used with approval of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre.

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